Thursday, April 18, 2024

NO MORE DEALERSHIPS: Toyota CEO Shocks the Industry with Game-Changing Decision!

Toyota CEO Shocks the Industry with Game-Changing Decision!

Coyota ceo koji sat recently made a daring announcement that rocked the traditional dealership networks and caused shock waves throughout the car industry. Dealerships are gone. This dramatic change is a turning point in automotive retail development and demonstrates toyota's resolve to transform the way people engage with and buy cars.


. Sat's revelation surprised many industry experts, as the dealership model has long served as the foundation of the auto industry. Customers have relied on dealerships as their main point of contact for car purchases, price negotiations and after sales support for many years. Toyota, however, is breaking with this long-standing custom by going direct to consumer, which offers the advantages of increased efficiency, convenience and transparency. Toyota recognized that changing consumer tastes and technology improvements were changing the retail scene, which is why the company decided to do away with dealerships in a time of digital disruptors and e-commerce. Behemoth traditional brick, andand mortar dealerships are under increasing pressure to change or face going out of business. Toyota wants to improve customer happiness, save administrative expenses and expedite the car buying process by eliminating the intermediary and adopting a direct two consumer business model, utilizing digital platforms and cutting edge technologies to give customers a seamless, customized shopping. Experience is at the heart of toyota's business strategy. Customers may explore toyota's array of vehicles from the comfort of their homes with a help of online configurators, augmented reality, applications and immersive virtual showrooms.

the comfort of their homes with a help

They can also access detailed product information, price information and real-time inventory availability. This digital first strategy not only accommodates tech, savvy consumers desires, but also gives them the knowledge and resources they need to make wise purchasing decisions. Toyta intends to provide customers with more competitive pricing and value by removing the traditional dealership markup, since there are no supplementary costs for keeping up physical showrooms or hiring employees, the company can pass cost savings on to customers, making its cars more accessible and affordable with its open pricing strategy toyota establishes itself as a brand that values and satisfies its customers, thus winning their trust and loyalty. Toyota

is committed to providing gradual

is committed to providing gradual support to its current network, despite potential concerns from dealership owners and staff about the shift away from dealerships acknowledging dealership's crucial contribution to its success: the company intends to provide affected stakeholders with training programs, transition, support and alternate business op options. Toyota hopes to ensure that its partners continue to succeed during this transition by promoting cooperation and honest communication. Toyota's decision to close stores will have long-term effects on the auto industry, rather than just immediate repercussions on retail sales. The traditional dealership model may face more upheaval, as other automakers take note of, and perhaps imitate toyota's creative approach, resulting in a fundamental reevaluation of the automotive retail landscape. This paradigm shift emphasizes how crucial innovation and adaptation are in a market that is becoming more competitive and dynamic. Toyota's use of direct to consumer sales is indicative of an industrywide trend towards digital transformation to remain relevant and competitive. Businesses need to embrace digitalization, as technology continues to change, consumer expectations and behavior toyota wants to forge closer ties with its consumer during the ownership process. In addition to improving the car buying experience by utilizing digital platforms, data analytics and artificial intelligence, the car business is going through a major upheaval and the elimination of dealerships is only the beginning as toyota ceo coji sadio coji sato's vision becomes clear old ideas about owning a car and getting around or changing with the emergence of electric vehicles or eavs autonomous driving, technologies and mobility as a service or may as solutions?


In keeping with these wider trends toyota is putting itself at the forefront of innovation and sustainability. With its move to direct to consumer sales, toyota intends to lead the way in the development of electric vehicles evs and provide customers with a range of environmentally friendly solutions that suit their preferences and values. To this end, the company has made significant investments and eve research. Toyota can successfully explain the environmental benefits of electric vehicles evs and encourage consumer adoption through its direct sales model. As a result of the dealership closures, toyota now has more opportunities to investigate alternative revenue, streams and business models with the growth of mobility platforms and subscription based services toyota may be able to provide flexible ownership alternatives that meet the changing demands of contemporary consumers.


Toyota has the chance to completely rethink the idea of automobile ownership and mobility whether it is through integrated mobility, solutions care, sharing programs or subscription. Services toyota is able to build direct relationships with clients and obtain important information about their tastes, behaviors and purchase habits by a shoing traditional dealerships, toyota can anticipate customer demands. Personalize the car buying experience and deliver tailor marketing messages that align with individual tastes by utilizing machine learning, algorithms and data analytics. In addition to improving customer satisfaction, toyota's datadriven strategy helps it stay ahead of industry trends and quickly adjust to shifting consumer demands, but moving away from dealerships is not without its difficulties.


Even if digital platforms provide never before seen levels of accessibility and convenience, some groups of people may find them difficult to use, especially those who are less tech, saavy or value iners connections, to ensure that all customers can engage in the digital car buying process. Toyota needs to make investments in user friendly interfaces, customer support services and digital literacy programs. Toyota must surmount legal and regulatory challenges associated with direct to consumer sales, particularly in regions where dealership franchise restrictions are deeply entrenched. By collaborating closely with legislators and stakeholders, toyota can effectively advocate legislative reforms that uphold its direct sales model and tackle issues pertaining to consumer protection, equitable competition and market. Accessibility with the closure of dealerships toyota has an opportunity to rethink the role of physical locations in the automobile retail experience. Toyota has the ability to convert conventional showrooms that are primarily concerned with sales transactions into interactive hubs that encourage innovation education and community involvement with immersive brand experiences that connect with customers on a deeper level and promote brand advocacy.

primarily concerned with sales

Toyota may create these moments through experiential showcases, test, drive events or instructional workshops. Furthermore, toyota's direct to consumer strategy gives the business more control over the whole customer experience from initial interaction to after purchase assistance. Toyota can improve customer happiness and loyalty by creating a seamless and consistent experience across all touch points through the integration of sales, marketing and customer support departments into a holistic ecosystem. Toyota can offer clients individualized help and support throughout their ownership life cycle, using digital platforms, chatbots and virtual assistance fostering enduring relationships that go beyond the point of sale when other players in the automobile ecosystem, such as suppliers, service providers and insurance companies adjust to the shifting dynamics of the market, the closing of

dealerships might spur a more

dealerships, might spur a more comprehensive redesign of the ecosystem new avenues for creativity, value creation and cooperation open up as conventional roles and relationships, change through joint ventures, ecosystem alliances or strategic partnerships toyota can use its dominant market position to influence the direction of the automotive industry and bring about constructive changes. Stakeholder engagement, meticulous planning and execution will be necessary to ensure the success of the dealership transition to meet the concerns and interests of all parties involved. Toyota must place a high priority on inclusivity, transparency and communication. As that navigates, this revolutionary journey toyota can effectively handle the challenges of change while adhering to its fundamental values and principles by cultivating a culture of cooperation and shared purpose.

effectively handle the challenges of

could you also inform us in the comments section below regarding toyota ceo coiso coi's announcement regarding dealership closures? What are your thoughts we would like to talk to you I appreciate, appreciate you watching and I'll see you later

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Trump Arrives for Criminal Trial and LOSES BIG Right Away

The criminal trial against donald trump for his falsification of business records to interfere with the 2016 election is now officially underway. Donald trump arrived at court earlier this morning, as donald trump arrived in the manhattan courtroom in a case being prosecuted by the manhattan district attorney donald trump's new company trump media's stock was absolutely tanking. It was down 15% as donald trump arrived in the uh manhattan courtroom. Donald trump arrived looking very unwell, looking panicked, he did his usual routine where he talked about how he's being persecuted and how it's unfair and how upset he is, but that he's happy to be there kind of the usual stick that he does um. Let me just share with you a brief portion of donald trump arriving I'm not going to show too much of it, because I have no interest in kind of furthering his lies and disinformation, but but then, after showing you, this I want to talk about the motions that were heard, donald trump lost some big motions.

I'm not going to show too much of it

This morning he lost the motion to recuse justice bashan. He lost a motion to try to prevent information about his catch and kill deal with the national inquirer from coming in, and we also learned that donald trump's uh subpoena to the department of justice that trump was trying to use to delay the trial and to kind of create a way to blow up. The the trial has actually backfired big time on donald trump, since, rather than getting exculpatory information that would help donald trump and actually turned up information that is very harmful to donald trump, including emails from kellyan, conway hope, picks, steve, bannon and others uh trying to deal with the access hollywood tapes coming out in 2016, where trump bragged about sexually assaulting women- and they were talking in these text- messages about ways to try to you- know, stop more bad news from coming out. Ultimately, that's one of the things that led to the catch and kill scheme that donald trump had with the national inquirer, whereby they would try to purchase stories from individuals who donald trump had sex with or who donald trump wronged or people who are thinking about going public with stories about

Donald Trump they'd pay for those

donald trump they'd pay for those stories, then they would kill the stories by not publishing the stories but owning the rights to the stories and then threatening to sue the people if they came out publicly with the stories as part of a deal with donald, trump and so more details about that deal were actually turned over to the uh manhattan district attorney's office that they didn't have before, based on donald trump's attempt at trying to delay the case by doing a an 11th hour subpoena to the department of justice go figure. Let me just show you donald trump arriving right now and then, let's talk a little bit more here, let's play this clip are lose voters if there conviction this is an assault on america.

right now and then let's talk a little

Nothing like this has ever happened before there never been anything like it. Every legal scholar said this case is nonsense. It should never have been brought. It doesn't deserve anything like this. There is no case and they've said it. People that don't necessarily follow or like donald trump said. This is an outrage that this case was brought. This is political persecution. This is a persecution like never before nobody's ever seen. Anything like it and again it's a case that should have never been brought, you know so so the usual routine of donald trump I'm, proud to be here. This is a p. This is a persecution against the united states of america. No, it is the fact that you paid off an adult film actress, while your wife melani was pregnant um. In order to avoid that story going public, and then you made fraudulent business record entries to cover up what you did that's what this is about. This is all of your own making. This is a crime. You've been charged with 34 separate felony counts for the crimes you can serve multiple years in prison for these crimes and you're, just not above the law. That's what this is is about ever tried to break a bad habit and felt like you're, climbing everest in flipflops.

what this is is about ever tried to

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brought that again remember he brought

He brought that last week before the appellate division and they rejected it. Well that was heard again before justice maran, who said that you know this is frivolous. The accusations here are attenuated and then very swift denied donald trump's attempt at recusing him and justice maran said. Look it's every bit as much a responsibility of a judge to deny recusal as it is to accept a recusal when a recusal is merited otherwise. Criminal defendants would try to game the system and try to always be recusing judges that they don't like. So that was rejected right away. The next issue that was addressed this morning was whether or not the prosecution and to what extent the prosecution can talk about the deal between the company ami, which was the parent company for the national inquirer um. That was led by an individual by the name of david pecker, the extent to which the prosecution could talk about the deal between ami national, inquirer and david pecker and donald trump. To engage in this catch and kill scheme whereby, as I said earlier in the video, they would go and find bad stories about donald trump people who wanted to go public under the pretext of being.

being oh we're journalists we're going

Oh we're, journalists we're going to write about that, but we want to buy your story, so they'd buy the bad stories. They'd kill the bad stories by not publishing the stories and then they wouldn't get out in the 2016 election and that formed the kind of you know background. Ultimately, when the catch and kill scheme, the for tax reasons, ami felt that they couldn't do the stormy daniels payoff. So ultimately, donald trump had to make a falsified business record and act like a payment was being made to michael cohen for legal fees. But in fact, what the money was going for was a payment uh to stormmy daniels to catch and kill her story right before the 2016 uh election was to take place so that uh, that story would not get out. That's ultimately, why you may be saying: well, you know, explain the deal in ami and why that's relevant when ami wasn't able to catch and kill for stormmy daniels and do the thing where they bite out, because in many ways that could be viewed as imputed income to donald trump and they felt uncomfortable committing tax fraud.

to Donald Trump and they felt

Then donald trump had to come up with another way around it and the way he came up with was this payoff to michael cohen his legal bills, which he would then pay stormmy daniels and that's how he would try to it. Basically and that's a felony in new york, you can't make fraudulent business records and entries the one thing that justice maran did say, though, is that he's not going to allow um for the access hollywood tape itself to be played? You can talk about the access hollywood tape, but the playing of the tape justice maran found the prejudicial aspect of it would outweigh its probative value here, since this is not a case about sexual assault or or abuse that it's such an inflammatory tape that playing the actual audio could confuse the jury about the issues that this cases about fraudulent business records, but the prosecution can still talk about it. The other thing that justice maran was kind of wary of uh, allowing at this stage, although he may reconsider later, was the prosecution talking about melania being pregnant when the hush money payment was made um because again, the prejudicial value justice maran found could potentially outweigh um its probative value, its utility in a case involving fraudulent business records, whether or not melania was pregnant or not. Um is not necessarily central to the issue of was that business record fraudulent, which is why this case is a very document driven case to begin with, and why the prosecution just needs to really go through. Was this a check? Was it sent at this date? Did you classify this as legal fees? You know it's. It's a fair, narrowly confined case to um to those you know to those issues right there and then.

those you know to those issues right

Finally, as I mentioned earlier in the video one of the things that we learned as well is that far from getting information and evidence that would be helpful to donald trump trump's attempt at you know trying to get the department of justice to turn over things that the department of justice would not have otherwise turned over at the 11th. Hour actually turns out it's very bad for donald trump. It seems to be documents, emails text, messages from kellyan, conway, hopic, steve ban and donald trump's inner circle about covering up things like the access, hollywood tape and um, covering up for donald, trump's uh misconduct and that then forming the basis for the hush money payments to stormmy daniels. So you know it really backfired for donald trump that he tried to create this kind of controversy. From the department of justice at the 11th hour, so that's where we stand right now with the jury coming in.


They also talked about jury instructions and um. This discussion about a hybrid approach to uh the jury, instructions and this this hybrid approach, first before getting into whether the jurors could be fair or impartial. First, seeing if the jurors are available for the trial, um and understanding their personal circumstances um and then, if they are available, then moving to whether they're, fair and impartial, then there is that um questionnaire that the jurors will get with 40, very 40, plus very specific questions then they'll analyze that and then, if jurors say that they can't be fair and impartial they'll get removed. The remaining jurors will stay in the room and then they'll be questioned about whether they could be fair or impartial and then each side can still, even if a juror claims they could be fair and impartial. Each side still has the ability to exercise a certain amount of challenges to remove jurors, who they think who the prosecution or that the defense thinks still wouldn't be good. Jurors, on the case, as long as the reasons are non-discriminatory in nature, that's where we stand, keep you posted every step of the way. Don't you worry, um we'll have updates throughout the day I'm ben myellis. This is the mest touch network at subscrib.

Network at subscrib let's get to 3

Let's get to 3 million together, follow our coverage here for continuing updates of the trial enough, send him to the big house, not the white. House get the new exclusive, te's mugs and stickers. Right now at store., mightest touch.

mightest that's store.

om, that's store., mightest

Monday, April 15, 2024

Iran vs Israel Military Comparison: Who Has the Upper Hand? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Iran vs Israel Military Comparison: Who Has the Upper Hand? | Vantage with Palki Sharma

Now, let's look at the worst case scenario, because that's what you do in situations like this look at all possibilities, hoping it doesn't come to the worst. What would a full-blown war between iran and israel? Look like how do they compare militarily? Their capabilities are very different. Israel is one of west asia's, most powerful, militaries and iran is one of the largest, whose force is superior. What kind of fire power do they have and who, who has a better shot at winning? Our next report tells you.

you the drum beats of War are sounding

The drum beats of war are sounding in west asia, yet again, israel and iran are in the middle of an escalating crisis. At the heart of it lies a crucial question. If the worst case scenario were to unfold, who will come out on top israel versus iran, whose military might has the upper hand on the surface, the numbers favor iran iran has a huge population, at least in comparison to israel. Iran is home to about 89 million people as compared to israel's population of about 10 million. So on paper it's advantage iran, particularly when it comes to the size of its military, the iranian armed forces are among the largest in west asia, with at least 580,000 active duty personnel and 200,000 trained reserve personnel. How big is israel's military. It has about 170,000 active personnel and 465,000 reservists, so iran's active personnel is more than thrice, that of israel's. It also has a larger navy, more tanks and armored vehicles and greater access to fuel so far, iran seems to have the upper hand, but there is a catch raw data alone doesn't tell you the whole story. Quantitative factors play a role, yes, but so do qualitative ones like training and advancement of technology, and the nation that comes out on top here is the one with more money which is israel.

that comes out on top here is the one

Iran has a gdp of 413 billion, while israel's gdp stands at $539 billion. This affects their respective military budgets. Reportedly iran's is at10 billion, whereas israel has a military budget of 24 .4 billion, that's almost 2.5 times higher, but the biggest advantage that israel has is that its military is backed by the united states america provides israel with a $3.8 billion annual military assistance. This has allowed israel to have more advanced weaponry with superior force readiness, making it one of west asia's, most powerful militaries.

militaries let's see how this plays out

Let's see how this plays out on land, water and air in terms of tank force like the zulfiker series and the karar mpt iran builds its own tanks. Usually they are based on outdated designs. Then there are t-72s, t-54s and t-55s, which are iranian copies and considered inferior to the israeli defense tanks like the marava markv, which is one of the best armored tanks in the game. Now, let's look at the navy iran's navy is larger than israel's, but not as robust israel's navy has access to american and european suppliers and their advanced missiles and vessels. Now, when it comes to air power, contrary to the numbers, trend israel's force is larger than iran's. Its arsenal includes 612 aircraft to iran's 551. Its primary fighting force consists of at least 66 f-15s, 175 f-16s and 27 f-35 stealth fighters. It's also regarded as one of the best the world has about 63 f4s and 26 f14s in comparison. Iran's air arsenal is believed to be aging rapidly, so israel has superior quality, which is why iran is using another tactic on the battlefield deploying weapons in large quantities?

quantities Iran has a substantial

Iran has a substantial inventory of ballistic and cruise missiles. They are capable of striking targets about 2,000 km away. This puts israel well within its range and during the weekend's attack tahan launched dozens of explosive laden drones. These are iran's pride, they are unmanned, aerial, vehicles believed to be shah heads, meaning witness in fari. These are long range drones which have been called the ak-47s of tahan because they are cheap mass-produced and deadly plus iran is not without allies. One of its most important is the lebanese militia hezbollah. According to israeli intelligence, hezbollah's arsenal contains more than 70,000 rockets and missiles, including long range and precision guided missiles. But then again, conventional forces aren't the only ones that can be used on a battlefield. Israel is believed to possess. The ability to launch nuclear strikes from land, air and sea israel has never openly confirmed or denied its possession of nuclear weapons. So iran has the numbers. Israel has the technology. While you can't predict a clear winner, if this conflict escalates any further there's no doubt over who will be the biggest loser, the already rest of region and its millions of people


Sunday, April 14, 2024

How Chukwuma Soludo Has Fared As Governor Of Anambra State In Two Years

How Chukwuma Soludo Has Fared As Governor Of Anambra State In Two Years

Now, for almost two years, professor chukum mar soludo, a former governor of nigeria's apex bank- that's the cbn has been on the saddle as the governor of anambra state. He was elected on a platform of the all progresses, grand alliance, aba, governor soludo, says his visionary. Leadership. Has brought peace, prosperity and stability to anambra state, but there are many who strongly disagree, but, however, tonight our focus is on the journey so far his achievements challenges as as well as the myriad of issues joining me. Vally from oka, the anra state capital is dr. Alex obu a political adviser to governor chukum masudo dr balu. Thank you so much for joining us tonight good afternoon.

for joining us

It's my pleasure good evening. It's my pleasure! So let me begin by congratulating the people and government of anra state for selling the ship these two years. Um in your own opinion, how has the journey been so far? Well, uh one sentence will summ it up to god, be the glory I mean the transformation anra state has witnessed in the last 24 months is uh phenomenal phenomenal I mean uh. We have to remember where we are coming from and now where we are today upon assumption by march 17 2022 uh anra had one big problem that if you asked everyone was on their lips insecurity, there was a problem of the unknown da men holding siege. At least they held siege completely nine local governments. There were the mountain of refuges everywhere was filthy contractors, hadn't been paid for months to clear the refuges and everywhere was mountain of refuges. Everywhere there was the issue of schools: without teachers, parents under the opes of ptas had to recruit teachers that were paid as minal as 10,000 naira just to help teach their children. So you could understand the quality of teachers we were talking about and it had gone on for years there were hospitals without doctors without nurses, none of the uh phc centers were functional.

Doctors Without

So this issue and then the most important was the collapse of the road infrastructure. The road assets in the state had gone katus even with the federal roots were also broken down. So what mr governor did, first and foremost, was to deal with security. You know, after the engagement with the young men, and then they went after them in the bushes, using uh vigilante services in combination with the security agencies and we're able to flush them out.

flush them out

Today we hear of them mainly in two local governments, and these are the b loal arguments that bother us with imo state. Then you see that the security today, even the who were a threat to the commerce of the state to ne center abos, are ths sts, who come in extorting money and often times robbing people that the game is gone, is a thing of the past and then of course we went in from that security. He went into roads today, we have more than 450 km of roads have been awarded, as at the time we celebrated our second anniversary on 17th of march mr governor had missioned and completed 247 km of road 247 km, which is basically talking 10 km per month, which had never been seen in an state never been seen in anate, and these are quality roads that are bound to last for 20 years and then of course, it's not just only touching that we also went into the health sector we had over 500 health workers employed doctors and n, and today the governor is building five brand. New hospitals, general hospitals in the state five brand new ones, oko is about ready. Oko is a slum, which was not meant to be a slum. It was supposed to be housing sector supporting the industrial sector, but it turned out into islam. They had not witnessed any government intervention for decades and mr governor promised that he was going to turn it around today. Poo has 15 kilom of road and 14. 12.7 has been completed as fed completely. You have a d carriage on obu road and the road is pened completely from trade in street trading. Then you have the general to coming up that should be commissioned anytime soon. You have in places that before was difficult to reach. Anra state should be the only state.

state I know

I know that has a capital of a local government inaccessible by road inaccessible by road, and today they have already set forth in the next few weeks. We should be able to drive inam and commission that road dru, just permit me to come in here I know that you're really not what you you know, uh seem to be for you, the landmark achievement of the governor, but you mentioned earlier that um. What's what where you are now in an is phenomenon compared to um what it was before, where, where you're coming from that's the word that you used um, are you saying that, in the last two years of of governor soludo's government that he has done far better than the eight years of governor willo and governor pet alby, certainly certainly I mean which government has completed in two years, not in 8 years two years, 247 km of quality, road roads meant to last. You saw the former governor, the road master. At least he was one who held the title of road master, considering dr chr, considering that mr governor has done tremendously well on roads, I mean he was the only one who built roads that last so I mean I'm, not here, to compare them I'm here to basically tell you that what we have witnessed today is phenomenal.

built roads that

I've, been in the state for 32 years, so I can tell you with all honesty now, apart from roads, the ability to touch lives also, this intolerance for poverty, the drive mr governor, is having for zero poverty, and what has he done in that, first and foremost, to deal with education and the issue of unemployment? We recruited 8,000 teachers. 5,000 were done late last year and another 3,000 are just been concluded now,

apart from the infrastructural

apart from the infrastructural development of the schools, he's giv grants to mission public schools, not just any particular denomination, all the denominations who have public mission schools, which have not been done in the past anyway, and then, of course, you know when you come to the issue of health sector, like I, said the employed health workers and then decided to empower the youths by this principle of productive at home exportable abroad. We looked at that. We needed to build a digital tribe, mr governor, said in his manifesto that he's going to build a digital tribe that will be productive at home exportable abroad, and what have we done with it? We have trained 20,000 people on this skills. Today, you have what you call the code, an umra where about 5,000, to 700,000 of them are been trained on coding, software development and then, of course, another one is the one2 skill where we we skilled graduates, we skilled people who had not been having any basic skill before in different sections and after killing 5,000 of them, they were given grants that span $ 500,000, each person, 2 billion, was spent on that another 2.5 billion was provided as sub micro credit loans to them. So when you talk about that, the fact that these youths have been touched, the fact that lives have been turned around not just in terms of skilling them, but in terms of empowering them and, of course another one. We doing is the palm oil coconut revolution. It intends to be able to provide 350,000 households with some form of empowerment that turns them into millionaires and I mean it million years, because you know the cost of w pump. Oil cake is p, canel, cake and palm oil, and what the state is doing is to empower homes. Some homes will get about 15 to 20, coconut sings and palm oil sings oil palm sings, and these ceilings are sings.


That will fruit in about 3 years, so we're expecting that that will the value chain system will also pro

Propel some form of economic trans Comm

propel some form of economic trans comm for them already last year, we've done 120,000 households this year we do another 100,000 households, and these are things that are aimed and targeted at achieving zero poverty for an amass. So when you and dru apologize again that I'm coming coming in as you reel out these achievements, but for every time either you or a member of the cabinet of dr um chaso speaks or even himself um. There are those who go on that such such um videos and comment and say some of these things are not true. Um they's say that look. He hasn't even done much when you compare him to someone like um, the governor of abas and I, know that you have said that you know you're not here to compare, but it's inevitable um. So they say: look for someone like governor ot of abia state. He doesn't even begin to compare not to think of you know. You have mentioned someone like the former governor of ab anra state u peter ob, who many believe is still the best best thing that has happened to the state today. Well, you see um, they will always

go position in

go position in politics and what I want to ask you is, since you are positioning or positing their own side, can you tell me what the governor of abia state, with all due respect, has done that when you put side by side with what we've done in an state, we say that he has done better. I mean what I see them showing on social media is the fact that he's using julus, begger and I don't mean to run down julus begger I mean we've seen the roads. They've also done the road, the on road that was done, we've seen parts of it go bad, so it's not about using a big name is about achieving much with less, and that is that mantra to achieve much with less and mr. Governor is insistent that we must promote local contractors. We must promote made in an um and that's why you see. From the first day, his official cars and the official cars of everyone in government is made in anra or made by anra man, who is in nigeria assembling cars, so I mean I like I, keep saying I, don't want to go into comparison. What we want to do is this is what we've done and when you said the these persons challenge, what we've done, what what have they challenged? I just mentioned 5,000 teachers recruited I, can give you their names and phone contacts. I've just told you that 3,000 more have been concluded this month, I've told you about the 500 medical doctors are nses. These are people who are alive the other day they couldn't contain what had been done. They said there was a road that collapsed and the one of them came and said roads were collapsing. Over number state I mean I've, sent you the clip late the very place. They said they collapsed, arent nonsense. So how do you then react to to the dru? How do you then react to the anab state chapter um, just a minute, dr bble? How do you they react to the anab chapter of the people's democratic party um? They they have expressed disappointment in governor solo performance for the last two years- and they have also described it as a disaster, and then they talked about local governments, they talked about security and the state capital ouar itself.

about local governments they talked

Well, you know in campaign when people why they've started this is that they started early campaign.

well you know in campaign when people

They believe I'm a politician also. They believe that in politics, with the amount of work mr governor has done that, if you don't start trying to stop him now that he will run away with a second time unchallenged. But what I am p about is the lies that they concort just to be able to dem market the opposition, which in this case is aba when I was there in pdp some of us, we never use this manner of campaign. This is a campaign of this. Is a campaign that I mean people who are irresponsible? They have forgotten that you want to run the state. You want to say you are a governor of anra state. Now what do you achieve when you finish running down the state and you assume office? What state are you going to govern? Who are the investors going to come? They started with insecurity, then they showed that records have shown that gun short reported wounds in hospital has gone up by 84%. Then they left security. They went to roads and then the roads are there, places that could not be reached before I'll. Give you an example: in 1992 when I went on campaign, I joined, mr governor, then the governor on campaign to it took us 3 hours. It was a three-hour journey from oka to today that same journey is 25 minutes with what mr governor has done. The man see from my road, you have another 26.7 km of am family. Road hadn't been assessed for years. They never seen any road since adam and eve was created.

created hello I can hear you go

Hello I can hear you go ahead. Yeah since adam and eve was were created. They had never seen any road. Are this the people you tell them that mr governor is not performing you go to aa oka that we always said was not befitting of a capital. Oka is transformed to today with d carriage roots I mean I need to invite. You it's not a question of saying nothing, you just say it on social media. The people the beneficiaries are happy, the beneficiaries are saying this is a governor, they have never seen I just send you video clips people expressing their joy and then can you imagine a state capital for 30 years. We don't have a lodge a government house and that jans has been broken. Mr governor is there in the next one year the government house will be ready with the lodge I mean. Where can I start from? Where look at? Let go to and walk on the stre of tell that hasn't done anything I'm sure they know what will happen to them. These are people have never seen street lights. The whole place is flooded with street lights. 25,000, solar street lights have been installed in nra state by mr government administration 25,000 come I.

25,000 come I give you well I was in

Give you well I was in position in pdp in those days. My problem with some of these govern govern I, always told them. You say you are buil. Tell us the distance you have built, but this government will list the road and give you the distance. So I would like them to say that these 450 km, you said you have ed are false, or this uh 247 kilm, you said you have done- is false. That is kind of responsible opposition. They should be to create havoc where there no havoc talking about responsible opposition- and you also mentioned okoko um I, remember I- think it was last month when the government, the governor, talked about um.

be to create Havoc where there no

Refusing to construct is w street in community because it's it was an area represented by I, think it was noble igu. Who then was in the opposition? Uh some would say. Look you are talking about responsible opposition shouldn't. The governor has had fixed that road, even before noble would defected to the governor's party when did no defect. No, as far as I'm concerned is still today, pdp I think he deputy minority leader and no believe is representing the whole of what six the whole of not just what six where he comes from, and it is where he's representing that the governor has put 15 km of road no believe I saw him the day the governor came to commission in 12.7. He was ecstatic, he was happy. He was elated a member of pdp my dear, mr governor is not interested in parting. He says that our is one agenda. One people, one state, no one should be left behind. That is the moto of you. Don't leave anyone behind. He is not from the north he's from the south, but the five general hospitals he's putting together is in the north, where his predecessor came from, because these are places that have not witnessed development is in the north is in the north. A is in the north. These are places that you saw him travel by river. He was the first governor since the creation of adam eve to step foot on alasa and he went on motorbike on k on foot to get to the, venue, so I'm, sorry, I know what it takes to be in the position.

alasa and he went on motorbike on K on

I know that this is one governor one government that seems to be their mistakes are very few, but they just have to up there again, because at the end of the day, it's for the people of anra state. It's not for me, it's not for soludo. It's not for anyone person, it's for the people of anra state and my sister I can tell you that when I look back to anra in 1991 and anra of today, there has been phenomenal growth, phenomenal growth and more to still come with the new building code. A new oka 2.0, a new on 2.0 new cities being built planned and built. We have land banks. The governor has been picking up land banks to make sure that the future that government can still expand. There's a new industrial city in ai, there's the greatest largest indoor pharmaceutical warehouse in oba, and these are places coming up that will bring economic transformation for our state. Then you look at what we're doing like he said. He says he wants to turn an from a departure lodge to a destination lounge. Why do we say that? Because in the past people were living and droes today the cost of property in alra has gone up. People are listening because the governor has also started on what you call the ppcp model: the public private community partnership.

Partnership where he's encouraging

Where he's encouraging people of well, who are well to do to come in and help government and provide amenities also for their people, because government cannot do it alone, and people are answering the call. People are doing t 16 km of road in their town, one is doing 4 km, one is doing 1 kilm, and this is because that is what the governor is preaching to support the government. What they're doing yes, of course, not everybody will like it. Not everybody will be suppored. We understand that, but what we are saying to them is that we need to work together. Let the criticism be constructive. Let the criticism be constructive. Let's come on together because anra is a home. We have no other home than anra all right, so I dr will take a break now um when we return.

anra all right so I Dr will take a break

I have just one more question on the noble igu issue: we'll then talk about security um. Another development in an amra state uh stay with us. Everyone