Saturday, April 13, 2024

Binance Execs Still Detained In Nigeria After 2 Weeks, They Want Names Of P2P Crypto Ushers

Binance Execs Still Detained In Nigeria After 2 Weeks, They Want Names Of P2P Crypto Users

The nigerian government continues to detain two binance executives more than two weeks. They flew into the country to find ways to negotiate with the government so that their services can be restored in the country.

find ways to negotiate with the

The nigerian government is basically telling these executives that they must release the list of nigerians or they will stay indefinitely in detention. At the initial stage, the nigerian authorities demanded the list of nigerians trading on binance platform, but now they've brought it down to the top 100 people from nigeria that are trading on binance platform. So basically, the nigerian government is insisting that binance must corporate and release that information. It is obvious that nigerian authorities want to go after nigerians who used to trade on binance, because right now, binance is no longer available in nigeria, and it is also obvious that binance do not want to cooperate with nigerian authorities. They don't want to release that private information of of their users. Meanwhile, the names of binance executives detained in nigeria have been released. The first one is tigr gayan, who is the head of investigations at binance? The second one is nadim anjala, who is the crypto platforms, regional manager for africa he hosts the nationality of united, kingdom and kenya, while tigran is a us citizen. Remember that the nigerian authorities accused binance of using its platform form to fix nigerian exchange rates, that it is the nigerian central bank that is authorized by law to fix the exchange rate since nigerians stopped trading on binance, the exchange rate has remained at about 1,600 naira to a dollar it has never dropped below 1,000 naira, so it doesn't look like the blocking of binance in nigeria made any difference.

doesn't look like the blocking of

The exchange rate is still very high. It has never gone below what it was a year ago, so our binance executives going to remain in indefinite detention in nigeria. So something must give remember that binance, ceo richard t said that they are not willing to pay any money, whether as fines or penalties, or to affect the release of their executives being detained in nigeria. On the other hand, the nigerian authorities feel that binance must be held to account whether it is real or imaginary. They are insisting that binance fixed nigerian exchange rates. Therefore they are liable to a fine or some sort of penalties which might include prison term if it reach that stage, the government has not charged them to any court they've been held in detention for more than two weeks, which raises the question. If the government really has evidence that binance fix nigerian exchange rates, they should be in a hurry to charge them to court. That would put them under serious pressure to negotiate with the government and pay some su of fines. But that's not the case. They are still holding them in detention, not in legal detention. Like the court remanded them in prison, they might say they got a court order to detain them. Who knows how long, but they reaches a stage where they cannot continue detaining someone indefinitely without charging the person to court so who will blink first binance or nigerian government? We will keep you updated on the latest information concerning this standoff. Thanks for watching



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